If Only It Were That Easy

December 21, 2008


It Is A Big Ask

December 21, 2008

Call Gordon!

December 10, 2008

A message from the UK Youth Delegation to the UN Climate Talks:

Right now, Gordon Brown is preparing to meet with other European Heads of State to sign a crucial climate change deal. This deal is the first of its kind – and the rest of the world will use this as their example. If it’s not ambitious enough (and all signs point that way) this deal will jeopardise our future.

We have a small window of opportunity to change this.

In the next 24 hours let’s get as many of us as possible to call Gordon Brown and ask him for the strong climate deal that we deserve!


Here are the steps:

1. Call this number – 0207 930 4433 (No.10 switchboard)
2. Say who you are, where you’re from and ask to leave a message for Gordon Brown
3. The operator will tell you that you can’t leave a message and should send a letter instead. Tell him/her that this is urgent, and you want to see Gordon push for a strong climate deal on Thursday
4. Call three friends and get them to call Gordon too
5. Forward this video on to everyone you know
6. Feel warm and fuzzy that you’ve exercised your democratic right!


Hanna, Mal, Liz, Lizzie, Jo, Katie, Kirsty, Dan, Guppi, Casper, Emma, Isabel, Adam, Jamie and Amy
The UK Youth Delegation to the UN climate negotiations in Poland